Netflix announces the premiere of Love after love, the series based on the life of Fito Paez, on April 26. Produced by Juan Pablo Kolodziej and Mariano Chihade from Mandarina Contenidos, the new series made in Argentina will cover 30 years in the history and universe of the renowned Argentine musician, singer-songwriter, composer and film director, traversed by pain, loss, tragedy , success, failure, excess, love, and many songs.
With eight episodes, Love after Love stars Gaspar Offenhenden and Ivos Hochman, who in the series will play Fito Paez as a child and as an adult respectively.
The series will also feature renowned Argentine rock legends played by: Micaela Riera (as Fabiana Cantilo), Andy Chango (as Charly García), Julián Kartún (as Luis Alberto Spinetta), Daryna Butryk (as Cecilia Roth) and Joaquín Baglietto (as Juan Carlos Baglietto). In addition, the cast is accompanied by Martín “Campi” Campilongo (as Rodolfo Paez, Fito’s father) and Mirella Pascual (as Belia, Fito’s grandmother).
Synopsis: This intimate biographical series details the life and career of Fito Paez, one of Argentina’s most important artists, and his musical journey alongside rock icons such as Charly García, Fabiana Cantilo , Luis Alberto Spinetta, Juan Carlos Baglietto, and more.
PRODUCTION: Mandarina Contenidos DIRECTOR: Felipe Gómez Aparicio, Gonzalo Tobal SHOWRUNNER/GENERAL PRODUCTION: Juan Pablo Kolodziej EXECUTIVE PRODUCERS: Juan Pablo Kolodziej, Mariano Chihade CAST: Ivos Hochman, Gaspar Offenhenden, Micaela Riera, Andy Chango, Julián Kartún, Martín “Campi” Campilongo, Daryna Butryk, Joaquín Baglietto, Mirella Pascual. EPISODES: 8